SP1 project is now nearly finished. After many tedious hours of
cleaning I finally get around to replacing the rubber feet. This
is pretty straightforward: Pull the old feet out, grind the new
ones to size and put them in.
The rubber feet came from the supplies of Bob Aubert.
Keyboard presented a bit of a problem. You can not take it apart
to replace keys. But I found out that the keytops can be snapped
on to and off their stems. (I also discovered they break easily...)
that I couldn't replace I painted. I lightly sanded the keytops
with a 1200 emery paper to remove discolorations and spilled paint.
They came out quite nicely (left). Now only some SP2 keys that were
mounted on this machine at some point still need to be replaced.
the machine in its current condition, seen from the left.....